My photo
a Diploma in Accountancy students at Kolej Profesional Mara Bandar Penawar, Johor. i'm not perfect but that is me . i'm still young, i know. chin-up, butt-up, walk foward and make the best of the worst

Friday, January 7, 2011

i want this kind of kiss

this is so sweet . kiss by the beach . how romantic ♥


Im so addicted to this korean drama

well this drama is about this girl, Go Mi Nyu who had to disguise as her twin brother Go Mi Nam to join this A.N.JELL band coz he brother was in the hospital and she couldn't bare to see her brother's dream crashed. So she was pretending to be Go Mi Nam till her brother get out of the hospital. unfortunately, 2 of the group members found out that she was a girl. 1 of them, Shin Woo overheard her conversation with her manager but he just kept quiet coz he wanted to see what would happen but eventually at the end, he fell in love with her. The other one that found out was Tae Kyeung (THE ONE I LOVEE), at first he wanted to exposed her but after listening to her reasons, he promised to keep quiet. he was giving her quite a hard time at the beginning but obviously, like every other korean dramas, the star, Tae Kyeung also fall for her. and the rest you go watch yourself!!!!! :) i wouldn't wanna spoil it for you rite? :) 

im sooo in love with this drama. not only me ok! even my mum and my sister in law also crazy over this plus we dowloaded it to watcht it over and over again . hahahaha

ok i wanna go continue watch it now for the errr 21432542 time! :) 

oh and the soundtracks are damn good ok!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

midvalley -________-

smalam keluar janji nak pegi pavi but tak jadi sbb wan dah stuck kat mid akibat hujan yg teramat lebat . dah dalam monorel baru wan suruh patah balik pegi mid . dah sampai bukit bintang kot baru nak bgtau . erghh --" so terpaksalahh patah balik pegi kl sentral then jalan all the way to kl sentral sbb nak naik ktm pegi midvalley . dahlaa dengan hujan lebatnya , habis basah flat aku --" and smalam jugak aku jadi tour guide untuk macik macik yg jugak nak pegi midvalley . dalam monorel dkat bukit bintang they were like "dik dik , nak pegi midvalley macam mane ?" aku dengan baik hatinya *perasan betul "apa kate macik ikut saya , saya pun nak pegi midvalley" so macik tu pun tempuh laa hujan bersama . haha , bila sampai kl sentral nak pegi ktm , lift rosak so kami terpaksa escalator tak bergerak . aku dah sampai atas macik tu tak sampai sampai lagi . i was like mane macik nihh -___- akhirnya mereka berjaya mendaki escalator yg tak bergerak tu jugakk . HAHA . so like tgah tunggu train macik tu offer aku pisang goreng . i was like eh takpe takpe takpayah . then dye insist jugak supaya aku amek pisang goreng tuhh dye ckap sbagai credit sebab jadi tour guide dorg . haha then aku pun amek jelahh . dahlaa train tu lembab nak mati -_____- dah dua kali tukar time , tak jugak sampai . then dah sampai mid , macik tu ajak aku lunch skali but aku dah lambat nak jumpa wan so aku tolak pelawaan mereka *sucj a waste --"then dorg mintak no phone sbb nanti if dorg memerlukan khidmat tour guide dorg akan call aku . haha . then macik tu ckap nanti if aku pegi singapore call mereka , mereka pulak akan jadi tour guide . so sebelum berpisah they wish that i past my spm with flying colours . so i was like thanks and byebye . so i walk all the way to topman sbb wan tunggu kat sane , at last bukan tgok wayang pun . teman dorg carik kieje adelahh . sumpahh kaki macam nak patah :o  sorg keje baskin robins , sorg keje topman , sorg keje ck , sorg keje padini , sorg keje kat quicksilver , ni skarang my boyfiee keje dkat hush puppies baju punya . start keje hari jumaat .