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a Diploma in Accountancy students at Kolej Profesional Mara Bandar Penawar, Johor. i'm not perfect but that is me . i'm still young, i know. chin-up, butt-up, walk foward and make the best of the worst

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

congrats for the wedding

assalamualaikum and evening guys ,

hari ahad lepas cousin I punya wedding . She's 30 something and now her jodoh is finally here, Alhamdullillah. My ibu said someone is just jealous because can't have her and they send 'something' to block her jodoh. her soul mate is his workmate , a father of his three children . Well , happy for her and hope their marriage is remains until they die . Their akad nikah is just simple . Akad nikah dia buat kat Masjid Negeri, Shah Alam. Just simple and nice .

p/s : congrats kak ita for the wedding :D