My photo
a Diploma in Accountancy students at Kolej Profesional Mara Bandar Penawar, Johor. i'm not perfect but that is me . i'm still young, i know. chin-up, butt-up, walk foward and make the best of the worst

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

congrats for the wedding

assalamualaikum and evening guys ,

hari ahad lepas cousin I punya wedding . She's 30 something and now her jodoh is finally here, Alhamdullillah. My ibu said someone is just jealous because can't have her and they send 'something' to block her jodoh. her soul mate is his workmate , a father of his three children . Well , happy for her and hope their marriage is remains until they die . Their akad nikah is just simple . Akad nikah dia buat kat Masjid Negeri, Shah Alam. Just simple and nice .

p/s : congrats kak ita for the wedding :D

Thursday, November 10, 2011

bye-bye guys :(

rasa nak nangis punn ade sbb BFF boys kami nak bla dahh :( kitorg dah macam siblings , dekat kolej ni dorg amek PIP so doanrg stdy 6 months je kat sini . today dorg last paper so petang ni dorang dah boleh balikk . dorg lahh yang buat kitorg gelak , yang buat kitorg happy . photoshoot sama sama kat tasik sampai phone akmal  jatuh dalam tasik . haha tetibe je teringat kat that moment yg memang kitorg enjoy gila lahh :) 

meet them :)


FB ; muhd arif

FB ; wan akim

FB ; unknown , hehe

macam siblings kan kan ?

act bnyak lagi picture kitorg tp ini je yg mampu elly upload sbb besar sgtt kan and bnyak , okayy thats all

p/s : i do hope you guys success in life , love you guys :D

Sunday, October 23, 2011

she is a BIG FAT LIAR !

hey uolls , rindu saya takk ? ade storyy sikit ni . pasal budak ni tak puas hati saya couple ngan cherry blossom lahh kot --"
bngun tido online ingatkan nak skype ngan cherry then bukak fb je pompuan tu IM --"

baca lahh sendiri im between saya ngan so-called gf cherry :

tak tau skarang nak trust sape , nak trust cherry pun ntahlaaa tp elly trust diaa . nak trust pompuan tu pun tak bolehhh . ntahlaa 50-50 lahhhhhh . pening-peningg --"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

raya at kpmbp :)

heyy guyss :) lama tak update blog , busy mengalahkan minister kann mmg macam ni #perasanjapp . lately ni mmg busyy , macam macam benda nak kena buat . busy dgan NETBALL , bussines lagi , english camp lagi . mmg super tired --" penat gilaaa . okayy enaough with my daily busy life , hee . nak cerita pasal rayaa :D smalam kitorg ade sambutan raya . petang ade asrama terbuka which is guys boleh dtg bilik girls and girls boleh pegi bilik guys . cool kann ? tulahh sape suruh tanak masuk kpm , hehehe :P then malam kitorg ade jamuan raya , melantak habis habisan lahh kan :P tp agak bengang sbb kitorg tak dibenarkan pakai shawl , sucks isn't it ? i knoww --" tp ade je senior senior yg pakai satin shawl lagi youu , tapelaaa next year ade lagi kann :) dress up students sume cantikk, jealous tgok :( i'm wearing white baju kurung then ade bunga warna pinkk , bak kata kat ecah warna pink nampak comel :) my darlings sume cun cun , fewittttttttttttttttt HAHAHAHA . for guys plak ade yg smart mmg superb ahh , yg takk harap maaf try again next year . petang tu kitorg gerak sendiri sbb mentor kitorg (sir shaiful) tak sihatt so gerak ah sendiri . firstly pegi bilik mus , then lokman (bilik penuh rokok) , then bilik zaman . habis blok lelaki so move on to girls punya blok pulakkk . naik tingkat pegi bilik budak yg sama mentee tak tau nama diaaa then turun bilik mai , my room --" , bilik mek , bilik ayu , then dila then turun lagi bilik ara , last skali bilik christyy . then malam jamuan rayaaa :) ni yg tak sabar ni nak tunjuk gamba rayaa , hahahaha :D

ni board kat ats kepala katil , patutnya ade pic bunny tp nyorok :P

ni my gemuk shira kadir :)
-dia mmg suka buat mukaa --"

with shira and zetty

ema , me , shira , pieka and ain

kami satu mentor :)
ara , mek , mai 

time ni kat bilik lokman i think 

me , chirsty , lokman 
dila , ayu , mek :)

mus dgan lokman punya keje --"

this two is my sweetheart :)

mereka semua my darlings  ♥

di nyanyi malam tdd ,
watch out world , shes the new singer :)

with kak liza

ni pejal , dia ni gedik :P

jealous tgk dorg , baju sma . macam wedding dahh --"

my baby ema :)

yes , shes my fav . 
nadinee , dia ni otak gilaaa :D
fun lepak dgan diaaa

this is mumu , comel kan diaa ?

ehem ehem , hehehe :P

pejal with bear 

untunglaaa sama gold 

im with mamel , cantik kan diaa ?
kulit dia super flawless 

haaa yg ni best , ahaha :P

alaa habis dahh gamba , act bnyak lagi tp dkat camera org lainnn . haha . nantilaa aku amek dkat mereka mereka . so for now , nak sambung tidoo . byeeee :)

p/s : datang gerai kitorg tauu . beli marshmallow :)

lots of love , 